
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Successful SDAIE Strategies

In my classroom, we have had much success with the use of graphic organizers. The first one we used was to help students organize their thoughts and experiment for the Design Your Own Lab project. It consisted of only the first few steps of setting up a lab report, but students liked it so much that many of them used the graphic organizer to complete their lab report, despite us telling them not to! My cooperating teacher and I decided not to fight it and added the rest of the lab report sections to the graphic organizer to use in future classes. If it helped them so much they wanted to use it for their final project, then we felt it was worth using again; at least until students are more comfortable writing lab reports. We discovered this strategy helped not only English Learners and students with special learning needs, but all of our students in class seemed to benefit from the use of graphic organizers.

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